President's Message - February 2025
Greetings to all our esteemed members and guests,
As your 2025 President, I’m both proud and honored to be your first woman president as well as being excited to work with our new board of directors. We have an amazing collective of talent to bring to the club.
I would like to begin by reminding each and everyone of you that YOU ARE THE CLUB! Your voices have meaning, and I want to encourage all of you to speak up on what types of educational programs, if any, you would like to see this year, along with any other suggestions you have for club participation.
Our newly elected board members will be working on streamlining our meetings to enhance your experience. Let’s all begin by reaching out to those members we haven’t seen in awhile and encourage them to come to the meetings.
This is an exciting time and opportunity for our club. I look forward to seeing each and everyone of you at our next club meeting.
“If you don’t have any gold, only coins, you can’t call be a gold digger. I’m a coin collector!”
Maria Stillwagon
Madam President 2025
Check us out!!!
The Diablo Numismatic Society meets every Third Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm.
Our monthly meeting location is at
Clayton Library
6125 Clayton Rd.
Clayton, CA 94517
To find our meeting room, enter the library through the main doors and go immediately to the left.